for childrenI Don't Love My Parents, Is It Okay to Feel This Way?

I Don’t Love My Parents, Is It Okay to Feel This Way?

Have you ever felt that there is no emotional relation between you and your parents, such as love?

Naturally, this is very unpleasant and hard to believe.

If these words have ever crossed your mind or you feel them with your heart, there is a high probability that your feelings are correct.

But, you don’t need to worry. You are not alone because some people feel like you.

A study of adult children who were estranged from their parents discovered that the top causes of such emotional detachment were abuse, poor parenting, and betrayal.

According to this study, the primary cause of estrangement was a long-term perceived or actual distance from the parent and family of origin.

Acting and working according to the standard conditions of society or trying not to let people down actually makes the situation worse and harder to handle.

This causes a complex feeling about your family.

But keep something in your mind.

It’s your life and your path to the future; you will gain different experiences and achievements.

So, don’t be upset and follow a solution for every problem along your way.

Passing this path can be very difficult and exhausting for a person when he does not know exactly which direction he should move in, and sometimes he feels that he needs to be better understood and approved.

But there are factors that make a person feel that he is different from others and alone.

If the conditions impose certain feelings and the society finds these feelings undesirable, they go hand in hand and create this sense of distinction.

Humans have always been looking for an answer.

Searching for answers leads to progress and not only does it solve problems, but it also makes this life vital and important at times.

Maybe in this way we need to ask others for help and look for someone who understands our feelings.

In this article, we intend to provide a suitable platform for a better understanding of this category by considering every aspect and angle of this issue.

Moreover, we will briefly examine this issue from the perspectives of society and psychology.

In fact our goal is to provide the right solution. Actually we will empathize with you by overcoming all the challenging social factors and personal reasons of different people who are usually struggling with these complex emotional feelings.

We will provide you with what you need.

If you remember that your feelings are acceptable and understood and that the way you know yourself is important, you may be able to find an answer to reconciliation and emotional peace.

before that lets watch a video on signs your parents are making you depressed:

1. Emotional Complexity in Parent-Child Relationships

The relationship between children and parents can be like a storm of complex emotions and it can cause confusion on every side of this relationship.

This storm is intensified by society’s wrong ideas, guilt, imposed feelings, etc. But the best way is to become more focused in this situation and look for peace in complete coolness.

1.1 Understanding Emotional Disconnect

Maybe this feeling is a question mark in your mind: why is there a lack of love?

The lack of love depends on various factors, including old experiences and memories, unresolved issues, etc., each of which may have silently planted the seeds of separation.

Different types of families can have a significant impact on this category in terms of stability and quality.

For example, two thirds of them continue to live with two parents and the rest are living with other types of families. Such structures, in turn, can be the cause of separation.


1.2 The Role of Guilt

Not loving your parents can make you feel guilty. This is a feeling that may seem very quiet but is very intense and long-lasting.

This feeling has two different aspects. One side of it can sometimes be a good guide, while the other side can be very heavy and unpleasant.

In fact, this heavy aspect can become even heavier with the expectations of others.

If you have this feeling, don’t hide it because it’s normal. You should explore with full understanding whether this feeling is genuine or just an imposed feeling.


1.3 Biological and Psychological Perspectives

Emotions are managed by our mind and brain.

In fact, each one is managed individually.

Therefore, it can be concluded that your emotional health depends on these two parts, so with a little thought and understanding of them, you can find a useful insight into the special feeling you have towards your parents.

Its roots are not limited to the present.

Experiences, events, unspoken words, misunderstood feelings that were in your life previously and remained unresolved, can shape your emotional landscape and be one of the main factors.

2. Personal Narratives of Emotional Neglect

On this path, voices of misunderstood feelings, old unhealed wounds and unresolved bitter memories are going to be heard, but as a fellow traveler, we remind you that our destination is towards better understanding and more accurate knowledge, just like an answer to a problem or a cure for a disease.

2.1 Stories of Neglect and Impact

Actually this lack of love is a unique experience for everyone, but it has common roots in silent and unspoken feelings.

These feelings are usually not examined, but unfortunately they are under the pressure of the feelings imposed by society and make the situation worse.

Here we understand your feelings and agree that there is nothing wrong with seeking to understand and revive this love.


2.2 Development of Personality Disorders

The lack or absence of love and the feeling of its emptiness manifest themselves in different ways.

It may be just an empty space at first glance, but it is the cause of many emotional and personality disorders. Silences and untold stories that have a destructive effect.

In this search, there is nothing wrong with understanding and recognizing this feeling. We must look for hope and solutions in this lack of love.


2.3 Societal Expectations and Pressures

Relationships between parents and children have often been portrayed as one-sided in society, but you should not let your personal and distinctive feelings be affected by that.

There is nothing wrong with challenging these assumptions and finding the best way to cope with these emotional strains.

3. Challenging Societal Norms

The presence of some social norms and informal and inaccurate rules between the family and the child can hinder the achievement of the goal.

The reality of being judged without your awareness and the unrealistic expectations that force you to comply make the path rough.

But never forget that you are the one who has to defy the norms. It is okay to seek your answer within these norms.

3.1 Preserving Familial Bonds Amidst Abuse

The phrase “blood is thicker than water” is used to emphasize the family, even if the main intention is abuse or the main goal is distant.

This statement is one of the false and unsuitable expectations.

This behavior leads to the neglect of the fundamental issues and thus causes emotional damage. But you have the right to seek an answer to this question and prioritize your mental and emotional well-being over everything else.

Having your own life principles that safeguard your spirit and feelings is essential.


3.2 Challenging Cultural Beliefs

This culture has erroneous beliefs, laws, norms, and values from the past, and it can create unreasonable expectations about different family members. And as a consequence, it leads to forced feelings.

Naturally, each person’s journey is unique and may not align with these beliefs.

It is your right to question them, not for them to question you. Follow your novel and authentic beliefs and search for a way that matches your emotions.


3.3 Decision Making in Emotional Relationships

Acknowledging that you don’t love your parents is a very courageous and yet distressing decision that entails profound emotions.

It is normal to feel remorseful and unhappy about this decision, but sometimes some people also feel liberated.

You have to search for the causes of this decision and it is okay to strive to comprehend this issue and make harmony and resolution your aim.

4. Tendency to emotional indifference

To pursue emotional detachment is like crossing the field of emotions like a ghost.

Feelings that stay quiet and still. Indecisiveness, hollowness and voices full of feelings of lack shape this path.

Needs of comprehension and compassion that make you lonely. But remember to seek help and support in this adverse situation.

4.1 Analyzing Emotional Vacuum

Not having a healthy relationship often results in emotional detachment, right?

Emotional detachment is regarded as a serious issue for the quality of relationships and personal welfare of each individual.

This absence of emotion is not detected in most circumstances and is concealed with an evident tranquility.

But in this manner, you should pursue comprehension, acknowledge this deficiency, etc., don’t disregard these feelings.

  • Roots of Emotional Vacuum:
    • Unrealized feelings
    • Emotional wounds that have not been paid attention to and remain scarred
    • Not having an emotional support and someone to understand
  • Tendency Through the Vacuum:
    • Finding someone who understands us and accepts us
    • Finding emotional wounds and solving their basic problems
    • Looking for a true and professional help and support


4.2 Strategies and Professional Help

Emotional numbness demands individualized professional approaches and compassionate help.

These requisites are to guarantee emotional and mental well-being.

This path requires external aid, aid such as empathy, proper direction, constant encouragement, etc.

1. Personal Strategies:

  • Comprehending and embracing emotional numbness
  • Providing chances to discover and recognize feelings
  • Seeking assistance from dear ones and establishing a secure and appropriate atmosphere

2. Professional Help:

  • Participation in counseling and therapy groups
  • Exploring and understanding the causes of emotional detachment with the help of accurate and trustworthy sources
  • Pursuing ways to acknowledge these feelings with suitable professional guidance

5. Insights from Shared Experiences

If we explore diverse experiences and narratives, we will encounter a broad spectrum of emotions.

Each of these stories has its own distinctive feeling, process, and experience, which makes it apt to scrutinize this issue with a different outlook, consciousness, and comprehension.

It is okay to pursue solutions and find comfort in a variety of experiences. Seek help and fellowship in these stories.

5.1 Personal Stories and Their Impact

In fact you always have your own distinctive story, but that doesn’t prevent you from comprehending them and discovering shared origins between feelings and experiences.

Actually it is a reality that you are not isolated and that every emotion and experience you have is valid as well.

Finding solace in these stories and understanding their diverse impacts is one of your crucial steps in this emotional journey that plays an important role.

5.2 Forum Discussions and Perspectives

By establishing a healthy relationship between people who share a common issue, different groups create a fitting and secure space to comprehend each other’s experiences and emotions.

This will enable your unexpressed feelings to be communicated and understood by other people.

Appreciating diverse perspectives and being understood by other people is another vital step towards comprehension, empathy and recognition.


1. Is it okay that I don’t love my parents?

Absolutely. Everyone has unique emotions that are like an indicator of their personality. This ID is completely valid. The best way is to embark on the path of acknowledging these feelings and progressing towards empathy and harmony.

2. Is it normal to not want to parent?

Yes. Any feeling is valid, even aversion to parenthood. But you should bear in mind that we will overcome these feelings and decisions with professional support and comprehension and empathy, and ensure that our decisions are honored.

3. Is it necessary to love your parents?

No, there is no pressure to love parents. The personality, feelings, experiences and all the things you acquire during this journey are exclusive to you. Be mindful to ensure that you select a way that gives recognition and respect to your feelings and emotions.

4. How do you deal with non-loving parents?

Communicating with parents who are insensitive should entail acknowledging your own emotions. In fact, you should be able to embark on the path of empathy and comprehension and also pursue professional assistance. Equip yourself with professional backing using experience and direction.

5. Am I wrong for not liking my parents?

No, there is no fault on your part. This feeling and decision are valid. It’s okay if you acknowledge your feelings along the way and embrace that these decisions were your own. Remember that your feelings are never challenged and always esteemed.

6. Why do I feel no connection to my mother?

The feeling of lack of bond and emotions with the mother depends on diverse factors, for example, it can stem from a scar that has not healed for years. We need to take a thorough look and acknowledge these feelings and ensure that these views are valued.

7. What age do you not need parents?

Having a feeling of autonomy and absence of necessity for your parents cannot rely only on your age. Because age is a factor that differs from individual to individual. Be mindful to make comprehension and empathy your goal and don’t let your needs be disregarded.

8. Why can’t I show affection to my family?

If you have difficulty expressing your feelings, you should examine the origins and profound factors of this issue. Be mindful that the cause of it will emerge and resolve it with assistance and empathy. Your feelings deserve to be acknowledged throughout the process.

9. How do I learn to love my parents?

If you wish to learn how to love your parents, you must first understand your own emotions. Then explore any deeper causes that led to this relationship falling apart. You can also seek help and find your way with the aid of other people’s experiences and backing.


Written by

Mohammad Mashayekhi
Mohammad Mashayekhi
Who am I? An entrepreneur, digital marketing expert, blogger, researcher in the field of family growth and personal development. I am really excited to help all of family members to unlock all of family potential to become successful.


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Mohammad Mashayekhi FamilyApex

Hey there, cherished FamilyApex readers! My name is Mohammad, a father, an entrepreneur, Family researcher, digital marketer, personal mentor and founder of FamilyApex website. I love helping family members improve their own family relationships.

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